To understand what web 3.0 is let first take a quick look at what came before it. The World Wide Web, The information highway I heard these terms a lot, when I was growing up a terms I never herd was web 1.0 which is the first stage of the World Wide Web now web 1.0 was very simplistic it was just a bunch of web page that were connected through hyperlinks and offered no interactivity with the user, That is where web 2.0 come in it offered user interactivity with web 2.0 users could share video, picture, ideas and even their daily lives users could do this thanks to social network sites so now that we know what web 1.0 and web 2.0 is what exactly will web 3.0 be and what will it offer that web 2.0 could not? Well according to techopedia web 3.0 will be likened to artificial intelligence why? I hear you asking well because it will make it easier for the user to find things when they are searching the web now, I know what you are thinking how will artificial intelligence make it easi...
Hello and welcome to Picture Ratings, where I give an anime a rating using pictures now click here for the slideshow now most of you well be wondering why is my nail so long in the pictures well, I can’t find the nail clippers, I might have to take a cue from attack on titan and start chewing on human body parts BWA BWA BWA BWAAAAAAA look at that were back on topic attack on titan get a thumbs up from me it’s really good for those wondering what it is about it about humans fighting against giants who have really goofy faces warning this anime is really violent. On to the next pictures this is one we already talked about before it Kino Journey I gave it a thumbs up for more information read the post I wrote about it. The third picture is heatguyJ I gave it an ok it’s not that great but it’s not boring and the android is really cool the basic plot is that we follow Daisuke a special services bureau employee as he fights crime with jet his android partner the action is very good. The l...