We use the internet every day and in our use we need to find information, that were search engines come into play, although there are many search engines lets focus on just two of them. Bing launched back in 2009 by Microsoft according to bing They generate Searches by” Using computer algorithms to match the search terms you enter with results in our indexes”. How does Bing generate these indexes? Well they use a Web crawler called bingbot. How does google search the internet? Well according to google “ our programs check our index to determine the most relevant search results to be returned ("served") to you. ” Google also has a web crawler there is called googlebot. So if they practically use the same method to produce results what’s the differences? Well why don’t we do some searches and see for ourselves. Let’s start by searching is kale good for you, here are the results google and bings as you can see in that search bings gives you two answer side by side while ...